Gear Gremlin - Full Stack Application
TypeScript, React, MongoDB, JWT, OAuth, Vite, Recharts - Login using your secure encrypted credentials or use your Google account for fast registration and gain access to the powerful elegant dashboard interface driving the user experience. Easily create your own gear inventory where React charts and table components offer a simple yet sophisticated visual overview of your gear chest. When you are ready to plan your next adventure, effortlessly navigate to the Trip Planner where you can select the items from your stash and add them to your pack. If it's a backpacking trip or an expedition into the remote backcountry where every ounce counts, you're in luck! Your pack weight is monitored in real time as you add and remove gear. Once you are finished, save the trip for future use, export the pack list, share it with your companions and of course, use it as a packing checklist to ensure you don't forget any critical gear! Feel free to login using the demo account credentials below to explore a sandbox version of the app with preloaded data.
Demo Login:
Email - demo@demo.com
Password - DemoPass$1